Cobweb and thistle

Figure 1 – Cobweb and thistle, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, (c) DE Wolf 2022

Today’s image I’m calling “Cobweb and Thistle,” and it is just in time for Halloween. It was taken at the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge with my iPhone XS on that foggy day of October 24. Dried thistles abound this time of year. Here the flycatching cobweb has been thwarted by the rain. Or perhaps, you know my propensity for thoughts mythical, perhaps it is a glimpse into the revelries in the fairyland the night before (meadows being. prime spot for fairies after all) – a mixture of air, water vapor, and the not so tangible substance of cobwebs. There was chill enough in the air without bring the fairy people into this. As C. S. Lewis pointed out in “A Mighty Girl,”

“Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”

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