August day on the beach

Figure 1 – August day on the Beach, Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA – August 8, 2020. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

Yesterday we drove up to Stage Fort Park in Gloucester, MA with the assumption that the crowds would be too large to risk or even to find parking. However success! The lot was nearly empty and the the beach was also largely devoid of people. So we had some nice social-distanced moments look at the rocks and dipping toes in the water with its gentle surf. The gulls and duck also kept their social difference as they observed us disinterestedly. The scene of Figure1, a kind of still life, for me completed the sense of a warm summer’s day in August. I a sense you almost feel as if you are transported into one of those summer seaside scenes from the Boston Impressionists, where all the ladies are in white. Here the sandals in the sand, the path of stones, and the seaweeds suggest the whole story.