Photopictorialism Study #18 – Salem Courtyard

Figure 1 – Photopictorialist Study #18 – Courtyard off Salem, MA’s Essex Street. (c) DE Wolf 2019.

The other personal transition for me this week is my migration of Hati and Skoll Gallery to a new iMac and the Adobe Creative Cloud. My old system was getting just too cumbersome and slow in the “modern era.” So Figure 1 is my first full attempt. The photograph of a brick courtyard, off Salem, MA’s Essex Street, was taken with my iPhone XS and then convert to black and white using Adobe Photoshop CC. As you can see I gave it a subtle selenium tone and then added noise so as to create a grainy photopictorialism effect. This creates a pseudo mist in the image, which the brightness of outside seems to penetrate creating the optical sense of being in a tunnel.