The dragon fruit

Figure 1 – Dragon fruit or pitahaya, Natick, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2018.

Figure 1 was taken with my IPhone at the local market. It shows the dragon fruit or Pitahaya. Of course, there is a legend associated with this edible form of cactus. The story goes that the fruit was created millennia ago, needless-to-say by fire breathing dragons. When the dragon is slain in battle the last thing to emerge would be the fruit. This fruit was collected and presented to the emperor as a great treasure. To me this fruit looks like something that Siqourney Weaver might avoid in some cavernous place on an alien planet. The combination of reds and yellow claws are reminiscent of some horrible teratoma perhaps. But the effect is chromatically spectacular, and I am most appreciative of the shoppers that were patient with me as I set each of the fruits to properly compose the image. In particular there must be no sign of price tags if we are to properly achieve and Edward Weston like effect.