Cyber spore and the beginning of fall

Figure 1 - First touches of fall, (c)  DE Wolf 2013

Figure 1 – First touches of fall, (c) DE Wolf 2013

Today is the first full day of fall and I was greeted this morning with a message from Facebook about how exactly two years ago I had posted the photograph of Figure 1 on Facebook.  So two things:

First the picture is exactly how I am feeling. I went for a walk today at lunch around Fresh Pond and everything was warm and glorious. The colors haven’t quite achieved the autumnal impressionism that I love so much. But of course, with Photoshop I could fake it. I hope my readers will forgive me the repost. I like this IPhone image so much that I just have to repost it.

Second, what the hell is going on? Our trail now proceeds us like so much cyberspore.  Look at a product on the web and you will be plagued with it forever. And should we find ways to stop that then website purveyors are going to have to find new means of revenue, like charging us for visiting – gulp. Is this the return of the AOL model?  The other problem with being followed by your past is that not so subtle voice yelling: “Look at you. You were young and fat then, and now you are old and fatter.” It is so inescapable!