Thanksgiving Greetings from Hati and Skoll Gallery

Figure 1 - The nutcracker Army. (c) DE Wolf 2014.

Figure 1 – The Nutcracker Army. (c) DE Wolf 2014.

I wanted to wish my American readers, indeed all of my readers, a very Happy Thanksgiving.  On my mall prowl this past weekend, IPhone in hand, I came upon these little nutcracker figures.  GI Joe nutcrackers struck me, at first, as just a bit odd; so I picked them up and looked at the base to read the labels “Army Caucasian Nutcracker” and “Army African American Nutcracker.” When I thought about it it occurred to me that there really wasn’t anything odd about, just something sad. The original nutcracker, the one in the ballet by that name, was as soldier.

What this modernization points out ever so poignantly is that for the last thirteen years we have been in arms and a minority of families have borne the brunt of that sacrifice.  So many families are spending the holidays apart, so many children won’t have their fathers and mothers with them. For them, these little nutcrackers will be just a bit of pride.  So for Thanksgiving I’d like to offer up this dress parade of nutcrackers of: Army Caucasians, Army African Americans, Mice, and Santa Clauses. I wish you all peace and family in our time.

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