Raisin day

I’ve noticed a trend.  When it comes to fun photographs we, maybe it’s really I, am drawn to all those events involving throwing colored pigments on everybody, wife carry races, and the highland games.  No one was hurt, not even the poor wives, in the production of these photographs! So I was struck this week by a wonderful picture of Raisin Day at Saint Andrews College in the UK.

Here, all the students have taken part in a great foam fight.  They are doused with foam and having a great time! It’s the usual story where the first year students are the “victims.” Academic parents are dressed up in embarrassing costumes but are rewarded with a gift that used to be a pound of raisins, Hence the name, but now more likely to be of the fermented variety of grape. Indeed, fermented grapes figure prominently in the weekend’s events. The origin of the tradition of Raisin Day is obscure in this University, Scotland’s oldest, founded in 1413.