Holy cow, Batman.

Well “Big Bang Theory” enthusiasts Comic-Con 2014 is currently running through this Sunday in San Diego.   It is Friday and, as always, I am looking for something light among “The Week in Pictures” features on the various news services and I found from the EPA this photograph of a pretty young lady named  Emily Reeve who is dressed as a 1950’s pop art housewife.  The image, of course, is meant to pay homage to the many wonderful pop art works by Roy Lichtenstein. And as I was researching this blog, I was not totally surprised to find a plethora of photographs of “pop art women” from Comic-Cons” present and past.

Comic-Con is, needless-to-say the ultimate dress up event, and I wish I were there with my camera. Perhaps the right get-up for me would be “Tintin” with camera.  Oh, BTW the cast of the “Big Bang Theory” usually puts in an appearance.  Pretty girls with dots painted on their faces and Penny, what could be better?