Impressionism or turning failure into success

Figure 1 - Impressionism, (c) DE Wolf 2014.

Figure 1 – Impressionism, (c) DE Wolf 2014.

Today’s image, Figure 1, is entitled “Impressionism” and done just for fun.  I was struck by the reflections of this magnolia in the pond and it reminded of oh so many impressionist paintings.  But I really didn’t get the focus quite right.  Sloppy, Wolf!  But when I went to work it up, I found that I still like the light and liked the colors and liked the reflections. So I thought of impressionist art, which isn’t always sharp.  I thought in particular about pointillism, which in its world view is quite similar to quantum mechanics.  Sometimes the blur just creates a sense of wonderful and dynamic light.  I even tried blurring the image but felt that was overwrought.  So in the end, I almost like what I see – or is it what I don’t see?  Hmm.  I’ll leave it to my readers to decide whether I turned failure into success.