Beating the heat

Disco Light (c) DE Wolf, 2013

Disco Light (c) DE Wolf, 2013

The weather has been sizzling in the United States.  I heard on the news tonight that 100 million Americans are in a heat wave.  In Massachusetts we have had seven straight days of 90 plus (Fahrenheit) temperatures and are waiting, as I write, for the weather to break, which will almost certainly be heralded in by severe thunderstorms.

Of course, this is nothing in comparison to what readers in Nevada and Arizona have been experiencing. I’m worried about these people, since some articles would suggest that at around 131 deg. F the human body can no longer regulate its temperature.  This, BTW, is not a good thing!

Anyway in the spirit of thinking and being cool, I found an interesting posting on NBC News’ Photoblog  that shows images of people cooling off from summer’s heat fifty years and more ago and today.  There are some great commonalities: children playing in sprinklers or fire hoses, stripping to the barest minimum (legally allowed) on busy city thoroughfares, and eating iced cream.

As for me, on Saturday, we went to Boston’s Museum of Fina Arts.  I took lots of photographs, many that I am quite happy with, but cannot share them because of copyright/distribution restrictions.  There was a marvelous exhibit of “Samurai Armor and another called “Hippy Chic” highlighting clothing from the sixties and seventies.  I will share this one picture that shows the patterns of a disco light on the floor.  Perhaps if all this heat continues we can hypnotize ourselves into thinking cool.