Abraham Lincoln’s dog “Fido”

Figure 1 - CDV c1865 of Lincoln's dog "Fido," in the public domain in the United States because of its age.

Figure 1 – CDV c1865 of Lincoln’s dog “Fido,” in the public domain in the United States because of its age.

We seem to have started down the path of pet photographs; so in honor of last night’s presidential debate I thought I would post Figure1 showing Abraham Lincoln’s dog, Fido. Now recognize that Lincoln was clearly a cat man and had a tendency towards bringing stray cats home, and when your home is the White House…

But Fido has this important official photograph and an intriguing tail [sic] to wag and tell. Fido lived with the Lincoln’s in Springfield, Illinois. He was yellow, mixed-breed dog, who the story goes would accompany Lincoln on his errands in town. Unfortunately, Fido made a crucial error. He was terrified by the booming fireworks during the celebration of Lincoln’s election and Lincoln decided that taking Fido to Washington would be a great mistake, much to young Tad and Willy’s disappointment.

The Lincolns arranged for the Roll family to care for the dog while the Lincolns were in Washington. Like Harris the Turtle, Fido was to have the run of the house, and Lincoln specified that even if his paws were muddy that Fido was to be allowed to come into the house, and he was not to be scolded for it nor was he to be locked out during family meals Indeed, the Lincolns left a favorite horsehair sofa with the Roll family for their pampered-pet.

As a result, Fido was still living with the Rolls family when Lincoln was assassinated.  When the funeral procession stopped in at the Lincoln family home in Springfield, Fido was there to say good-bye. CDVs like that of Figure 1 were sold as Lincoln memorabilia following his assassination.

Unfortunately, Fido himself met a sad and violent end. John Roll recounted the story of Fido’s death: ”One day the dog, in a playful manner, put his dirty paws upon a drunken man sitting on the street curbing [who] in his drunken rage, thrust a knife into the body of poor old Fido. He was buried by loving hands. So Fido, just a poor yellow dog met the fate of his illustrious master- Assassination.”