The Kiss

Figure 1 - The Kiss. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 1 – The Kiss. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

I have spoken in earlier blogs about photominimalism – which in essence is the concept that less is more. I’d like to pick up on that theme today. Figure 1 is an image that I took this past Saturday of a Tiffany’s store window display. It might as well be a line drawing – white on black. But the kissing figures are in fact made out of white wire. It is only that I have eliminated all other detail from the image, leaving only the white outline. And, of course the theme itself is a simple one. Shades of Rodin’s famous marble sculpture “The Kiss,” only it is much more minimally stated here – first in white wire and then in photographic interpretation. You may argue that a line drawing is a line drawing no matter what its origin, and I will argue in reverse that if the image is made using photographic media, it is by default a photograph.